Our offer comprises heat-resistant pipes, acid-resistant pipes, abrasion-resistant steel plates, heat-resistant steel plates, acid-resistant steel plates, stainless steel, heat-resistant steel, acid-resistant steel, heat-resistant bars, acid-resistant bars which are of the highest quality for attractive prices.
Mini service centre
We would like to invite you to visit our new 'mini service centre’ located in Tarnowskie Góry at ul. Kościelna 20. With the use of...Read moreSTAINLESS STEEL
Stainless steel is a joint name for the whole family of quality steel grades resistant to rusting, which characterize with a few times higher resistance...Read moreACID-RESISTANT STEEL
High resistance to corrosion is obtained by adding at least 10.5% of chromium to steel. With such content, a sudden change of electrochemical potential to...Read moreHEAT-RESISTANT STEEL
Heat-resistant steel and pipes — this is steel resistant to corrosive impact of oxidising gases at high temperatures. Steel heat-resistance results mostly from the possibility...Read moreACID-RESISTANT BARS
Fasteners are widely applied in structural elements. It is often used in suspensions: ventilation, hydraulic and electrical ones. Stainless steel which the bars are made...Read moreHEAT-RESISTANT BARS
Heat-resistant bars are resistant to high temperatures, abrasion and melting at high temperature. They are rolled or drawn. Heat-resistant bars are available in the following...Read moreABRASION-RESISTANT STEEL PLATES
The choice of abrasion-resistant steel plates involves consequences for the business activity carried out. The appropriate type of steel plates allows for maximum reduction of...Read moreACID-RESISTANT STEEL PLATES
This type of steel is characterized by high durability and resistance to corrosive agents. They are relatively easy in processing. Other advantages are: biological neutrality...Read moreHEAT-RESISTANT STEEL PLATES
We offer high quality heat-resistant steel plates made of materials of unique properties. The heat resistance is a characteristic feature of steel plates presented by...Read moreACID-RESISTANT PIPES
Acid-resistant pipes offered by us characterize with a universal application. They are resistant to harmful impact of various substances which may be present on the...Read more